
Thursday, May 22, 2014

Just around the corner...:)

Next Week:

Novel Study on Ramona Quimby Age 8
-Vocabulary and Spelling Test next Friday (words to come home Monday)

Step Up to 4th Grade Extension Lessons

The 3 States of Matter
-Changes in matter from a solid to a liquid to a gas
-Tentative Quiz on Matter on Tuesday

Social Studies:
Chapter 9: Reconstruction in SC
-Fort Sumter webquest project done in class
-The Reconstruction TEST tentatively Wednesday

SO excited to share our knowledge of South Carolina History with you through our SC History Play!
The students have and continue to work very hard to rehearse and prepare this special production to share with you in celebration of all we have learned this year!  Please join us on Wednesday, June 4 beginning promptly at 9:00am for our play followed by the final Town Hall Meeting of the year, and end of the year celebration lunch.

Spring Pictures
Have you turned in your Spring Pictures of your payment?
Students were sent home with  a packet of Spring Pictures.  You must choose what pictures you would like to keep, and pay for them by sending in the money, or completing an online payment.  If you would not like to keep the pictures, you must return the entire packet.  There is a $55.00 fee if you do not turn in a payment or the pictures.  Please call the front office if you have any questions about this.  Thanks for your cooperation and understanding!

The final book fair of the year ends tomorrow, May 23 with extended hours until 6:00 pm.  You may send money with your child if you would like them to purchase something.  Tax is included in the price of the books. Thanks.

Field Day is tomorrow, Friday, May 23 from 12:00-2:30.  This is a very exciting day!  If you ordered a Field Day shirt, please have your child wear their shirt tomorrow.  If your child did not order a shirt, please have them wear their blue RCE shirt.

Here are some reminders for that day.
*Students may wear athletic shorts and athletic shoes.
*Wear a hat and bring a water bottle to stay hydrated.
*Apply sunscreen and/or bug spray at home.


Important Dates and Reminders

Book Fair: ends May 23 at 6:00pm
Field Day: May 23
No School:  May 26
SC History Play/Town Hall/End of Year Celebration:  
June 4 @ 9:00am
Early Dismissal at 11:30: June 5 and 6
Last Day of School:  June 6

Report Cards go home: June 6

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