
Thursday, April 24, 2014

State House Success and Looking Ahead

State House Success :)
We had such a wonderful trip to the State House! I hope you asked your child about our day, their experience, and all of the learning we were able to do while visiting. Please enjoy a few pictures of our time there.

The oldest monument on the State House grounds.

All SMILES after touring the State House:)

We were fortunate to be able to enter both the Senate
and House of Representatives Chambers (pictured here) with
our tour guide.

Upcoming Content
- Finishing up Telling Time (half hour, quarter hour, and minute)
- Data Analysis (Creating and Interpreting Graphs)
- Geometry
Helpful Links
Remember to visit Envision online for activities aligned with our textbook - as well as the online version of our book!
Math Common Core Topics:
- Time
-Shape Partitions

Reading/Language Arts

Genre: Non-Fiction & Poetry
- Strategy: Asking and Answering Questions
- Language:  Literal and Nonliteral language
- Spelling: suffixes

Helpful Links
ELA Common Core Topics:
-asking & answering questions
- roots and affixes
- distinguishing figurative language
-Finishing Force and Motion
Helpful Links
Science Topics:
- Object motion
Social Studies
- Chapter 7 - Antebellum Period, Social Classes
- Chapter 8 - A Nation Divided - Road to the Civil War
Helpful Links
Social Studies Topics:
- Before the Civil War
-Civil War and Reconstruction
Related Arts for Next Week:
Mon- Tech  Tues/Wed/ Thurs: Computer   Fri: PE


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