
Thursday, September 19, 2013

Holley's Headlines 9/19/13

A Peek at Next Week!

What a wonderful week in 3rd grade!  The students worked hard on comparing numbers on number lines, finding character traits in their Just Right books, learning about how plants disperse their seeds, and the major river systems that are in South Carolina.  We also had Picture Day.  It has been a wonderful week! As you look over the events of next week, please do not hesitate to email me with questions.  
Thanks! -Mrs. Holley

Next Week:
Reading:  spelling words with suffixes, nonfiction text features, and compound sentences
Spelling Test on Friday

Math:  Topic 1- Numbers and Place Value Test on Wednesday.  Look for a study guide to come home Monday. Start of  Topic 2 on Thursday.

Helpful Links

Science: Complete our study of seeds and adaptations on Monday. Plant Test on Tuesday. Begin adaptations of plants and animals in different habitats on Wednesday.

Helpful Links

Social Studies:  The characteristics of the Regions of SC

Helpful Links
(this site lists five regions. The Coastal Plain is broken up into the inner and outer)

Spelling Words for next week: Practice your spelling words
1.  farmer
2.  useful
3.  softly
4.  suitable
5.  lonely
6.  quietly
7.  teacher
8.  thankful
9.  cheerful
10.  nicer
11.  safer
12.  harmful
13.  playful
14.  suddenly
15.  cleaner


Interim Grades and Signed Papers

Interims: I hope you received my email about interim grades.  For the first quarter, interim grades are posted online through Parent Portal.  Please look up your child's progress on Parent Portal.  *Please remember, there are not a lot of grades for the first part of the year.  We have been working on procedures, The 7 Habits, and team building.  

Signed Papers:  In your child's Boomerang Folder, you will find a few pieces of graded work.  Please look over your child's work, sign each assignment, and return them in the folder.  The students will start keeping track of their grades in their Data Notebooks.  They will work on goal setting and become more responsible for their learning.

Parent Teacher Conferences

I am looking forward to meeting with all of you during Parent Teacher conferences on Thursday, September 26.  Please refer to the email sent this evening for available times and processes for requesting a conference time.


MAP Testing Update
Due to the continued problems with the MAP testing program, we will NOT be testing this week.  I truly appreciate your patience with this. We will resume MAP MATH testing next Tuesday, September 24.
For added practice please visit


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