
Thursday, April 24, 2014

State House Success and Looking Ahead

State House Success :)
We had such a wonderful trip to the State House! I hope you asked your child about our day, their experience, and all of the learning we were able to do while visiting. Please enjoy a few pictures of our time there.

The oldest monument on the State House grounds.

All SMILES after touring the State House:)

We were fortunate to be able to enter both the Senate
and House of Representatives Chambers (pictured here) with
our tour guide.

Upcoming Content
- Finishing up Telling Time (half hour, quarter hour, and minute)
- Data Analysis (Creating and Interpreting Graphs)
- Geometry
Helpful Links
Remember to visit Envision online for activities aligned with our textbook - as well as the online version of our book!
Math Common Core Topics:
- Time
-Shape Partitions

Reading/Language Arts

Genre: Non-Fiction & Poetry
- Strategy: Asking and Answering Questions
- Language:  Literal and Nonliteral language
- Spelling: suffixes

Helpful Links
ELA Common Core Topics:
-asking & answering questions
- roots and affixes
- distinguishing figurative language
-Finishing Force and Motion
Helpful Links
Science Topics:
- Object motion
Social Studies
- Chapter 7 - Antebellum Period, Social Classes
- Chapter 8 - A Nation Divided - Road to the Civil War
Helpful Links
Social Studies Topics:
- Before the Civil War
-Civil War and Reconstruction
Related Arts for Next Week:
Mon- Tech  Tues/Wed/ Thurs: Computer   Fri: PE


Friday, April 4, 2014

Happy Happenings :)

The Boosterthon is here!
The Boosterthon Fun Run kicked off last week with a thrilling Pep Rally and I am super excited about this year's program. Our team name is Holley's Heroes!  The Boosterthon Fun Run program involves all students in a fun, team building, fitness event while helping our school raise much-needed funds.  The central focus of this year's character program is FRIENDSHIP. This year's character theme is CAMP HIGH FIVE, and the Booster Team will take students on a fun-filled journey teaching them the importance of friendship.  

Through the Boosterthon, I receive 10% of what our class raises to help go towards supplies for our classroom.  On top of that, our entire school is raising support to go toward the vision fund at our school.  Our goal for our class is to raise $500.00. We can help reach our class and school goal by stepping up to the challenge of raising $20.00 per student.

Each student will have their very own pledgebook with their own access code to log on I have attached a document in this email where you can find your student's access code in case you lose it or their pledgebook did not go home today.

Here's how you can help:
1) LOG ON to your student's website at using your student's access code on the Pledge Book that cam home with them today.  Log on each night to watch the Camp High Five character and music videos, and enter pledge information.
2)  GET PLEDGES by connecting your student with 10 sponsors. The new has many ways to use social media in the pledging process and pay online. Be sure to capture and record the e-mail address of each sponsor, as they will have an easy opportunity to pay for your student's pledge by credit card online.
3) COME TO THE BOOSTERTHON FUN RUN NEXT WEEK! Remember, students will be running 30-35 laps and we would love to have lots of support for our team!

Thank you for supporting our classroom and our school!

I'll see you next week at the Boosterthon Fun Run!

Upcoming Events

- Thursday, April 10th:Boosterthon Walk during related arts! Parents, you are welcome to join us! Detailed schedule for 3rd grade time to follow. :)
- Thursday, April 10th: Parent University @ 5:30pm
- Friday, April 11th - Half Day, dismissal @ 11:30am


Thursday, April 24th
- Finishing up volume and mass
- Kilograms and Grams
- Liters and Milliliters
- Continuing multiplication facts tests - please study the facts at home, timed tests will be given on these facts.
Helpful Links
Remember to visit Envision online for activities aligned with our textbook - as well as the online version of our book!
Measurement Games        
Math Common Core Topics:
- Capacity and Mass

Reading/Language Arts

Genre: Non-Fiction & Poetry
- Strategy: Asking and Answering Questions
- Language:  Literal and Non-literal language
- Spelling: suffixes
- Vocabulary Words: gravity, automobile, friction, impulse, expert
Helpful Links
ELA Common Core Topics:
-asking & answering questions
- roots and affixes
- distinguishing figurative language
-Finishing Force and Motion
Helpful Links
Science Topics:
- Object motion
Social Studies
- Chapter 7 - Antebellum Period, Social Classes
- Chapter 8 - A Nation Divided - Road to the Civil War
Helpful Links
Social Studies Topics:
- before the Civil War
Related Arts for Next Week:
Mon/Tues/Wed: Music   Thurs/Fri: no Related Arts

"Spring Fever" Has Arrived!

The sun is finally shining, the flowers are blooming, the birds are chirping and the students are so eager for Spring Break!  While this is a wonderful time of year (especially after our many snow days) it can also be a difficult time for students.  We have begun to see many signs of "spring fever" here in our room.    In order to help keep them on track and to encourage positive interactions with their peers, we will begin implementing several "bucket filling" activities into our Morning Meetings.  Please ask your child to tell you about how they are filling buckets in the class and around school.
