
Thursday, September 19, 2013

Holley's Headlines 9/19/13

A Peek at Next Week!

What a wonderful week in 3rd grade!  The students worked hard on comparing numbers on number lines, finding character traits in their Just Right books, learning about how plants disperse their seeds, and the major river systems that are in South Carolina.  We also had Picture Day.  It has been a wonderful week! As you look over the events of next week, please do not hesitate to email me with questions.  
Thanks! -Mrs. Holley

Next Week:
Reading:  spelling words with suffixes, nonfiction text features, and compound sentences
Spelling Test on Friday

Math:  Topic 1- Numbers and Place Value Test on Wednesday.  Look for a study guide to come home Monday. Start of  Topic 2 on Thursday.

Helpful Links

Science: Complete our study of seeds and adaptations on Monday. Plant Test on Tuesday. Begin adaptations of plants and animals in different habitats on Wednesday.

Helpful Links

Social Studies:  The characteristics of the Regions of SC

Helpful Links
(this site lists five regions. The Coastal Plain is broken up into the inner and outer)

Spelling Words for next week: Practice your spelling words
1.  farmer
2.  useful
3.  softly
4.  suitable
5.  lonely
6.  quietly
7.  teacher
8.  thankful
9.  cheerful
10.  nicer
11.  safer
12.  harmful
13.  playful
14.  suddenly
15.  cleaner


Interim Grades and Signed Papers

Interims: I hope you received my email about interim grades.  For the first quarter, interim grades are posted online through Parent Portal.  Please look up your child's progress on Parent Portal.  *Please remember, there are not a lot of grades for the first part of the year.  We have been working on procedures, The 7 Habits, and team building.  

Signed Papers:  In your child's Boomerang Folder, you will find a few pieces of graded work.  Please look over your child's work, sign each assignment, and return them in the folder.  The students will start keeping track of their grades in their Data Notebooks.  They will work on goal setting and become more responsible for their learning.

Parent Teacher Conferences

I am looking forward to meeting with all of you during Parent Teacher conferences on Thursday, September 26.  Please refer to the email sent this evening for available times and processes for requesting a conference time.


MAP Testing Update
Due to the continued problems with the MAP testing program, we will NOT be testing this week.  I truly appreciate your patience with this. We will resume MAP MATH testing next Tuesday, September 24.
For added practice please visit


Tuesday, September 17, 2013

September 17 Updates

Please begin and/or continue submitting box tops to the school.  As you all know this is free money that will go toward needed items for the school.  Our goal this year is $850. I know with everyone's assistance we will not only meet but exceed our goal.  Our first deadline to submit box tops is November 1,2013.  So we have 48 days to make a difference.  *As an added incentive, the first class to collect 250 box tops will receive a prize from Mrs. Ryan in the media center.*

Thank you in advance for your support!

Content Information for this week!


- Comparing numbers on a number line
- Working with a number line
- Comparing & ordering numbers
- Place value through the hundred thousands

Helpful Links


Reading/Language Arts

- Strategy: Inferencing
- Skill: Character traits
- Spelling: testing prefixes
- Grammar: 4 Types of sentences
- Grammar: Subjects and predicates

Helpful Links

- Seed dispersal
- Plants response to light
- Concluding plant & seed life cycle - Quiz scheduled for Friday

Helpful Links

Social Studies
- 4 SC River systems:  Peedee, Edisto, Savannah, and Santee
- The 6 Regions of SC:
Blue Ridge, Piedmont, Sandhills, Inner Coastal Plain, Outer Coastal Plain, and Coastal Zone
Helpful Links
(this site lists five regions. The Coastal Plain is broken up into the inner and outer)

Dates and Reminders
- Thursday, September 19th - School Pictures!
- Thursday, September 19th - Check Parent Portal for Interim Grades
- Thursday, September 26th - Early Dismissal at 11:30

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Holley's Happenings

Dear Parents,
Thank you for a wonderful start to another school year!  We are quickly adjusting to the third grade schedule, content, and expectations.  I am so proud of the class!  They drafted their own class mission statement, and they really put a lot of thought into our "class mission" for this year.  Please ask your child about the mission statement!  Please check out all of the great and important things happening in our class and at Rice Creek!
All the best,
Jessica Holley

Goodies for Grands is tomorrow (Friday) at 7am!
We invite grandparents to join their grandchildren for a light breakfast in our cafeteria.

Walk for Life is Saturday, October 5th at Finlay Park.

We are involving the kids this year in our fundraising efforts. We will begin selling large feet ($3) and small feet ($1) to students next week (Monday, September 9th) through Tuesday, September 24th.

If you would like to join us during the walk please visit the website to register, sign the waiver, and learn more!

Picture Day!

Picture Day is September 19.  Every child will have their picture made.  If you would like to purchase pictures, please send back the order form with payment which is in your child's Boomerang Folder.

Fundraiser Update

Keep selling for the Cookie Dough and Gift Card fundraiser.  It is due September 16!!

Open House

Open House is Thursday, September 12 from 6:30 - 7:30.  Please plan to come to school to learn more about the expectations of 3rd grade.  We will even have a Bake Sale to raise money for 3rd grade field studies. I am looking forward to see many of you there!

Dates and Reminders

*Please check your child's homework folder and assignment book every day.  
- Tuesday, September 10th - Rita’s Night 5-8pm
- Wednesday, September 11th - Choice Dress Day
- Thursday, September 12th - Open House @ 6:30pm

Have you signed your child's RUP (Responsible Use Policy) online?

In order to use technology each student must have an electronically signed copy of the RUP. Please follow these directions below to ensure that you have done this. If you have any questions, please contact me!

To Create a Parent Portal Account:  
2. Click Create an Account
3. Complete the top section with your personal information > Write down the Username/Password.
4. Add your child/children in the fields below. To add a student/students, you will need to enter an Access ID and Access Password.
Access ID - Student's ID number (either 12 digits or 5 digits). Please come to RCE to receive this information, or contact your child's teacher. For security, we are not permitted to give you the ID over the telephone.
Access Password - Student's birthday, using 6 digits without dashes or slashes. Example, 010104.
5. Click Submit.
6. Follow directions below to access the RUP.

To Access RUP in Parent Portal  
1. Log in Parent Portal
(If you had an existing account, you may click Add to register additional students. Please read directions above, step 4.)
2. Click Email Notification on the left
3. To read the RUP with your child, click the words in blue. This is a link to the RUP document. Click Back.
4. Check the box stating that you have read and understand the RUP
5. Click submit under the document.
6. Repeat steps for each child in RSD2.