
Friday, March 7, 2014

Just around the corner...

Students in grades 3 through 5 across our state will take the SCPASS test (South Carolina Palmetto Assessment of State Standards) on March 18th and March 19th, in the area of Writing.  Testing on Day 1 will consist of an extended writing prompt and Day 2 will consist of multiple-choice questions.  It is very important that students are in school and on time to school on these two testing days.  We ask that you schedule doctor's appointments and other out-of-school functions on days other than these testing days.  SCPASS is an untimed test and therefore, students will have as much time during the school day to complete their writing assessments.  Please make sure your child gets plenty of rest the night before testing and eats a good breakfast.  And finally, during testing students may not be in possession of any electronic device(s) that can be used for communicating, timing, creating images, or storing images.  These devices will be collected by the testing administrator and returned after each test session has been completed.  Thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation.

The Challenge is ON!
A healthy competition has been launched at the Creek. We are looking to collect both BOX TOPS and COKE REWARD points. This is a school wide competition. Prizes will be given to the class with the most Box Tops AND prizes will also be given to the class with the most Coke Rewards collected. Let’s get collecting! Mrs. Ryan in the media center will be keeping track of the collection. Please turn in any Box Tops or Coke Rewards to your child’s teacher.

We will be collecting from now until May 15th!

Wondering where to find Box Tops? Click here for a long list of products
Wondering where to find Coke Rewards points? Click here for a list of products
The District Art Show is currently on display at the Columbia Place Mall. We are so proud of all the Dolphins being featured at the show. Below is a list of third grader’s who have work on display. The show will be open until March 17th.

Caleb- Gaines
Jakiah - Hayes
Malaysia - Dupre
Cameran - Gaines
Caleb - Hayes
Javier - Dupre
Bishop - Taylor
Allison - Milburn
Normiyah - Gaines
Hannah - Hayes
Emon - Hayes
Thursday, March 27th is an early dismissal day. Students will dismiss at 11:30am. If you have any changes in transportation please send a written note.

Friday, March 28th is a SNOW MAKE UP DAY.
- Fractions
- Continuing multiplication facts tests - please study the facts at home, timed tests will be given on these facts.
Helpful Links
Remember to visit Envision online for activities aligned with our textbook - as well as the online version of our book!
Greg Tang Fractions        
Math Common Core Topics:
- Fractions
- Comparing Fractions

Reading/Language Arts

- Strategy: Point of View
- Grammar:  Dictionary Skills
- Spelling: Testing adjectives on Tuesday
- Vocabulary Strategy: context clues/antonyms
Helpful Links
ELA Common Core Topics:
-point of view
- context clues
- adjectives & adverbs
- Fossils
Helpful Links
Science Topics:
- Earth’s Materials
- Fossils
Social Studies
- Finishing up Chapter 5: The American Revolution
Helpful Links
Social Studies Topics:
- South Carolina & the American Revolution
Related Arts for Next Week:
Mon/Tues: Music      Wed/Thurs/Fri: PE

Monday, March 3, 2014

Treading Water

Interim grades are available on Parent Portal. Please be sure to log in and check your child’s progress. Specific directions can be found in an email sent this morning. Please be mindful that the number of grades available are effected by the inclement weather days which occurred during the first half of the nine weeks.
In honor of Read Across America Day:
Monday (3rd) - Wear Green (Green Eggs and Ham)
Wear as much green as you can!
Tuesday (4th) - Special T-Shirts
Wear a t-shirt with a message
Wednesday (5th) - Wacky Wednesday
Wear mismatched clothes or even turn your clothes inside out!
Thursday (6th) - Fox in Sox
Wear your craziest socks!
Friday (7th) - One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish
Wear red, white & blue!
Let Aunt Perlie Sue and Reverend Leroy take you on a musical journey to the

- Fractions
- Continuing multiplication facts tests - please study the facts at home, timed tests will be given on these facts.
Helpful Links
Remember to visit Envision online for activities aligned with our textbook - as well as the online version of our book!
Greg Tang Fractions        
Math Common Core Topics:
- Fractions
- Comparing Fractions

Reading/Language Arts

Story: The Strongest One
- Strategy: Visualize and Summarize
- Grammar:  adjectives and adjectives that compare
- Spelling: Final Stable Syllables
- Vocabulary Strategy: context clues/antonyms
Helpful Links
ELA Common Core Topics:
-adjectives & adverbs
- context clues
- recounting stories
- Fossils
Helpful Links
Science Topics:
- Earth’s Materials
- Fossils
Social Studies
- Chapter 5: The American Revolution
Helpful Links
Social Studies Topics:
- South Carolina & the American Revolution
Related Arts for Next Week:
Mon: PE       Tues/Wed/Thurs: Art           Fri: Music