
Sunday, November 17, 2013

Look what's happening. :)

Related Arts Schedule for Next Week:
Mon/Tues/Wed:  PE    Thurs/Friday: Art             
- Subtracting large numbers
- Subtraction with regrouping (Expanded Algorithm, Standard Algorithm, and Place Value Blocks)

Helpful Links
Remember to visit Envision online for activities aligned with our textbook - as well as the online version of our book!

(use the “standard algorithm game)


Reading/Language Arts

- Strategy: Theme (Main Idea & Details)
- Grammar:  Abstract & Plural Nouns
- Writing: Organization and Ideas
- Spelling: Contractions
- Spelling Words: he’d, there’s, we’re, she’d, you’re, couldn’t,   that’s, wasn’t, I’ve, what’s, we’ll, didn’t, won’t, isn’t, they’re  
- Vocabulary Strategy: Multisyllable Words
- Vocabulary Words: appliances, owners, construction, equipment, leaky, project


- Finishing up habitats & adaptations
- Test planned for Monday
- Food Chains - producers, consumers, decomposers

Helpful Links
Food Chains

Social Studies
Chapter 3: Explorers

Helpful Links


Parent University is on
Tuesday, November 19 from 5:30 - 7:15.  
Please join us for a Spaghetti Supper for $1, and learn about important information on
Common Core standards and Leader in Me.  

This is the last week to send in
canned goods for the Harvest Hope Food Bank.  
The canned food drive ends on
Friday, November 22.  
Thank you to all who have already
given back to our community!

Upcoming Events and Dates

EFit Day:  
Monday, November 25 and Tuesday, November 26 (more info to come!)

Thanksgiving Break:
Wednesday - Friday, November 27 - 29

Sign up for a target redcard (which is a free rewards card and not a credit card) and use it 1% of your purchase goes to the school of your choice.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Holley's Happenings

The Book Fair is here!  
The Book Fair is here at Rice Creek.  It will be in the Media Center and ends on November 11.  A flyer was sent home in your child's Boomerang Folder last week.

Your student may have told you that we are participating in the Pizza Hut Book It competition. His/her individual goal is to read daily for 20 minutes in an effort to meet or exceed their monthly Reading Counts Goal.  Ask your child to share with you how they plan to meet their goal for the month of November.

Congratulations to Nathaniel, Madison, William, Katelyn, and Kayden for reaching or exceeding their goal for the month of October! Keep up the awesome reading. :)




Upcoming Historic Columbia Events

December 21: Breakfast with Santa

I'm excited to share with you we have access to QuizList Interactive!

This link allows you to search for Reading Counts quizzes and then lets you know if RCE owns the book.  The Lexile, if known, is also listed.  


Honor Roll Celebrations!
Congratulations to the following students for earning Honor Roll during the 
1st Nine Weeks Grading Period:

ALL A Honor Roll

A/B Honor Roll


The PTO is collecting non-perishable food items until November 22nd. All collections will benefit Harvest Hope Food Bank. Students can place their items in bins that are located around the school.

Related Arts Schedule for Next Week:
Mon/Tues:  Tech    Wed, Thurs, Friday: Computer             
Topic 3: Lessons 5-9- Subtraction Strategies
(Multi-digit Numbers)

Helpful Links
Remember to visit Envision online for activities aligned with our textbook - as well as the online version of our book!


Reading/Language Arts

- Strategy: Summarizing and Sequencing
- Grammar:  Common and Proper Nouns
- Writing: Organization and Ideas
- Spelling: Long /e/
- Vocabulary Strategy: Compound Words
- Vocabulary Words: sidewalks,  blossomed,  grumbled,  wailed,  traders,     lonesome  

- Animal adaptations in different habitats
- Plant adaptations in different habitats

Helpful Links
Social Studies
Chapter 3: Native Americans of SC

Helpful Links

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Proud Project Moments:)

Wow!  Our class projects are a huge success!  Students began a "Gallery Walk" around the room today viewing each project and providing one "plus" and one thought or wish.  We will conclude our gallery walk Monday and display our projects on the stage of the cafeteria to share our learning.  You can view some pictures here, and more will be posted soon. :)